A Courage Building Program – Adolescent Skill Building Workshop

BOLD is an adolescent skill-building workshop. There are two formats. One is a weekend program that includes Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday. The other is a 6-week program. Participants attend one evening for six weeks. Participants engage in courage-building skills to utilize in leadership roles and life. This modality was developed by Dr. Brene´ Brown and the Daring Way™ Senior Faculty Team based on Brene´’s research and books Daring Greatly and Rising Strong. It is an educational and experiential workshop where adolescents are given the opportunity and experience to learn about emotions and deal with self-conscious emotions.

Participant Objectives:

  • Develop engagement skills in group, practice articulating their needs, set boundaries, reach out for support, and understand the needs of others.
  • Learn to share their feelings
  • Define courage and how to be brave in life.
  • Identify and learn trust in relationships and specific behaviors such as reliability, accountability, integrity, and boundaries.
  • Understand and Identify values in their lives along with behaviors supporting these values.
  • Define vulnerability as well as the myths and paradoxes of vulnerability.
  • Become aware of unhealthy defensive strategies used to protect themselves from feeling shame and vulnerability.
  • Learn the difference between self-compassion and criticism and learn whose opinions in life should matter.
  • Learn empathy and its relationship with trust.
  • Learn about self-conscience emotions such as shame, guilt, humiliation, and embarrassment.
  • Learn about healthy and unhealthy ways of connection and disconnection.
  • Understand Identities and triggers that keep them from authenticity.
  • Identify ways of expressing emotions, both healthy and unhealthy
  • Identify self-talk that healthy striving. 
  • Increase curiosity about feelings and build skills to engage with and experience these emotions.
  • Identify the elements of grief: loss, longing, and feeling lost.
  • Learn the importance of forgiveness.
  • Describe how to put boundaries in place to work from a place of integrity.

Please complete the contact form below or contact Joseph directly. Joseph also provides adolescent therapy for males in these topic areas.

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