
Symptoms of depression and anxiety in men are linked to various situations in their life. Men’s issues are often not addressed. Males are not invincible. They do suffer from major depression. And why shouldn’t they? Like women, they experience broken relationships, go through divorce, lose jobs, experience death of friends, and the list goes on. These experiences cause pain. They cause emotions that are unfamiliar. More often than not, men are unequipped to handle these unfamiliar emotions. This can be frightening and rightly so! Men are attempting suicide and succeeding at alarming rates.

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Interview with Therapist Joseph LaFleur, MSW, MBA, LICSW on Causes of Low Self Esteem and Tips to Improve Self Esteem

Men like women can have a low sense of self-esteem. The good news is any man can boost their self-esteem and have the confidence to accomplish anything he wants out of life. To help understand where most men’s sense of low self esteem stems from and for self esteem tips for men, I have interviewed therapist Joseph LaFleur, MSW, MBA, LICSW.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

“I am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and Psycho-dynamic Psychotherapist with a private practice in Washington DC.  About 75% of my practice is made up of men struggling with intimacy and relationship issues.   Most men are experiencing anxiety and mild to moderate depression, and low self esteem issues.”

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