What Is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

What may sound like a bit of a tongue twister is actually a very simple and effective psychotherapy method that uses the theories and practices of analytical psychology.  It is also sometimes referred as psychodynamic therapy.

These practices allow patients to understand and acknowledge their problems by making them more aware of their inner mind workings and how it relates to their relationships and other important mental factors. This psychotherapy is also sometimes referred to as “talk therapy” because the nature of the treatment is to talk and discuss the issues at hand.

How is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Effective?

Many patients who enter talk therapy do so for specific reasons. Whether it’s to battle an eating disorder, depression, anxiety, addiction or other obsessive behavior, talk therapy is effective at overcoming mental blocks and working on the underlying causes of these types of behavior. By addressing these often unconscious emotional problems, patients are able to reduce symptoms and repair past and current relationships.

What Type of Conditions does Talk Therapy Treat?

Talk Therapy is effective for treating many different types of conditions from diagnosed mental conditions to simply feeling off about life in general. Some of the most common conditions that this therapy is used for include:

  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Obsessive behavior
  • Psychosomatic conditions
  • Relationship Issues

In addition to treating mental illness, psychoanalytic psychotherapy is also beneficial in helping individuals overcome poor relationship skills, dissatisfaction at work, concentration issues and more.

Who Could Benefit from It?

One of the best advantages of talk therapy is the fact that it can benefit any type of person. All age groups, ethnicities, and genders can find relief from mental anguish with the help of this type of therapy. It is particularly effective at treating adults and teens with behavioral issues, personality disorders, difficulties in school and relationship issues. In addition to being an effective treatment in its own right, psychoanalytic psychotherapy is also effective when used in conjunction with other treatments, as it is able to improve the general well-being and physical health of patients.

Deciding if it’s the Right Treatment for You

Since each person is unique, it makes sense that different treatments will be more effective for certain people. While psychoanalytic psychotherapy is generally effective for all types of people, it’s important to go through consultations with a licensed professional to determine if it is an appropriate treatment for you. Typically, talk therapy is a long-term treatment option and requires a significant commitment from both the therapist and patient.

Therapist-Patient Relationship is Vital

An important factor in the success of talk therapy treatment is the trust and mutual respect between the therapist and patient. This crucial relationship allows patients to feel safe in the therapist’s’ care. A confidential and safe environment is vital to allow the patient to reflect fully on their inner world and helps the patient gradually become aware of unconscious mental blocks or issues that contribute to mental distress.

By learning and coping in a safe environment where they feel comfortable, patients are able to understand their behavior and the deep-rooted reasons behind it and develop the capacity to make healthy and positive changes.

To learn more about psychoanalytic psychotherapy and get relief from mental discomfort or simply change your outlook on life, contact us today or call 202-641-5335 to speak with one of our experts.